Making Main Street

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Lion King flat-lay FUN!

…on the path unwinding

“Nants ingonyama bagithi baba”

Flat lay infant photos are my FAVE way to take creative pics of baby!

The possibilities are endless. You really can choose a theme of any kind…characters, movies, books, locations, etc etc etc. Since infants lay around all day (lazy pants) it really is usually very easy to successfully get a good shot using the flat-lay method.

So what does this mean? It basically means you create a scene or a theme all on the floor or ground. Make sure to set up your scene near window light if shooting inside! Minimal editing will be required afterward if the lighting for the actual shoot is spot on :)

Today I’ll share one of my fave monthly flat-lays I have done of our baby…Lion King! Here’s what I did for this one: 1. Borrowed an old-school projector from a friend 2. Picked an image to enlarge, and printed. 3. taped poster-board to the wall for tracing. Use painters tape! 4. placed image on projector, turned off the lights, and traced! 5. Traced over the pencil around edges again with a marker this time, cut out and colored the image.

Time for baby! I put her in a Simba onesie costume I purchased from The Disney Store website. I carefully figured out how to place Rafiki’s hands around her waist so he could really be “holding” her. Next, I got on a regular-sized chair (pull as close to the scene as possible without being so close you’ll see the chair in the image) and took tons of shots. Since you’re quite literally directly over baby’s face, it’s very easy to get him or her to look at you for a flat-lay pic. Rattles, toys that light up, even just talking to them or snapping usually does the trick!

Does tracing a scene or object seem overwhelming to you? Here’s some examples below of some other Lion King themed flat-lays I did at the same time using fake greenery and jungle animal toys :)

greenery laid in a circle with baby inside

jungle animal toys surrounding the Queen of the Jungle

I did a different Disney character theme each month for over a year, so I definitely have more flat lays to share with you! I’ll always include how-to posts so you can try your own flat lays at home. Step away from the ordinary “monthly stickers” on your baby’s belly and get creative using flat lay themes!

Make sure to show me what you’ve done! Use hashtag #makingmainstreet on IG so I can see your creativity!